These sub-pages contain a selection of the currently available Findon family trees.

Currently available :

  • Findon & Sullivan, London (1800-1920 )
  • Findons of Chadley Farm, Wellesbourne (1750 – 1900 )
  • Findons of Brigstock, Northamptonshire (1700 – 1890 )

The trees are password protected, to view a particular tree please  post a request in the comment box.

Alternatively a pdf file, containing ancestral information personalised to your need, can be supplied as an attachment to an email.

11 Responses to “Tree Overview”

  • gerald findon:

    hi , I am a Findon from Ireland you find any research on that, I know we go back as far as 1805 here, john findon [ 1815- 1865].

  • Hi Gerald
    Please get in touch again because I’m very interested in the ancestral roots of the Findon families in Ireland. I would like to establish whether or not there is a missing link to the Findon clan with ancestors going back in Warwickshire, England to the early 1600s.
    I also believe that an Edward Findon went as a child from Ireland to the USA in 1872, married in 1895 and still has living descendants in USA

  • Hi Geoff
    Yeah that Edward that left for America might have been my granddads uncle, but im only guessing there. I have lots of findons from Ireland from the 1800s but most of it is just guess work as to who they are.

  • Karen:

    Hello .. Albert findon who lived in bleach field street , alcester Warwickshire ..
    Was my gt grandfather .. He married Ada Steele

  • James Findon:

    Hi Findon’s,

    I’m a Findon in Eastbourne, researching the family tree. BW Findon is my great grand father. Could I have access to the family tree’s please?


  • Ben:

    Not sure if you’ll ever check this again Karen, however I believe Albert and Ada are either my great or great great grandparents too, would love it if you got in touch and we could work it out!


  • Hi Ben
    Thanks for getting in touch. Please clarify your interest and relationship with Albert Findon and Ada Steele
    Geoff Findon

  • Lauren:

    Hello! My grandfather had the last name of Finding and his family was from Bedfordshire. Do you think there is a connection?

  • Hi to other Findon family members. John Findon was my great grandfather. Robert John Findon was my grandfather. Harry Richard Joseph Holding Findon was my father. I live in Hamilton NZ with my wife Gail Findon. Our son James Findon lives in Tokoroa NZ. I would like to request access to the family trees please.

    Kind regards

    Kevin John Findon

  • Kevin, Thank you for your enquiry, it is a pleasure to hear from another branch of the Findon Family in New Zealand.
    Please email me direct to geoff(at) then I’ll send you the information you seek. regards Geoff

  • Chloe Findon:

    Hello – I am a Findon from the south east of England, I am unsure of any of my descendants far back but would love to see the family trees please!
    Feel free to email me!
    Kind regards
    Chloe Findon

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