If you are interested in becoming involved, or just curious, in this Findon family history research project then please contact me :

Geoff Findon

email to : geoff(at)findon.name

12 Responses to “Contact us”

  • Angela Findon:

    Hello Geoff, Having had a recent conversation with my dad about tracing our familiy tree, then having a look at google imagine my surprise to find your site!
    I thought it must be worth dropping you an email. I am part of the Findon Clan! Born and breed in Lichfield staffordshire, My father still lives there.
    Just wondered if you had come across us at all in your research. I would be very interested to hear from you.
    With kindest regards
    Angie Findon

  • Geoff Findon:

    Hello Angie
    Thanks for your comment. I’ll be getting in touch by a direct reply email
    Geoff Findon

  • Ryan:

    Hello Geoff.
    I have recently been looking into my family history, and I have come across a possible Findon link. My Great-great-Great Grandfather had a Findon stepfather from what I have gathered from census images. My great-great-great Grandfather was from Stratford, and I’m from Canada.
    If you have any additional information, I would be pleased to hear from you.

  • hello, i’m a findon from ireland. i have been trying to do my family tree and i am just interested if we are part of the same family.

  • Hello Gerald,
    Very pleased to receive your enquiry. There is a growing collection of evidence that shows that the ‘Findons’ both in England, Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia all share some common ancestors.
    However the origins of your Ireland part of the Findon clan so far remains something of a mystery.
    I look forward to sharing the information available and assisting you in resolving your question.
    So please contact me direct using the email address shown in ‘Contact Us’ then I’ll be able to send you some relevant data.

  • Anthony Littlejohn:

    Good morning Geoff,
    It’s sometime since we spoke but I am, at last, getting to grips with some of our ancestors! I think I can add knowledge to your research on B.W.Findon and his successors (I am one of them as you know) and the interesting relationship with the Sullivans.
    Best wishes,

  • Anthony,
    I am very pleased to hear from you again.
    Surely our collaboration will lead us to a more complete understanding of B W Findon’s ancestral origins…..

  • Debbie:

    Hi Geoff,
    Looking for information on James Findon father of Maria Findon Clarkson born out of wedlock. Mother Elizabeth Clarkson. DOB 10th October 1823 Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England. Father was coachsmith.

  • Hi Debbie
    I will reply direct to you because the information I have re. this James Findon is too fragmented to make a coherent reply here !

  • Hi Geoff,
    If you guys are still operating.
    I am a descendent of James Finton Woodhead which means I am a descendent of William Clark + Mary Findon.
    I have located some in formation which I am sure you are aware of but who knows?Island:Middlesex?Country: England

    Street address: Black House Yard?
    Household Members:?
    James Findom (Findon) 55 Blacksmith?(Born approx. 1786)
    #James (Findon) Woodhead 15 Blacksmith?(Born 1824)
    James Verch 7?
    #Charlott Hammond 15 (Born 1824?)

    (In 1847 James Findon Woodhead aged about 22 married Charlotte Hammond aged about 22 at St Giles, London)

    Geoff Reed
    Wollongong Australia.

  • Hi Geoff
    Thanks for making this contact. I will send you a direct email with some additional about James Findon Woodhead
    regards Geoff Findon

  • Good day,

    Is anyone in a position to advise me about Edwin Findon Hall (probably born c1920s), a schoolmaster of the late 1949s??

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